Sports Week: Football and badminton competition among the elder - PHOTO - VIDEO

1 March 2024 15:35
Sports Week: Football and badminton competition among the elder - PHOTO - VIDEO

On the occasion of March 5 - Physical Education and Sports Day, a football and badminton competition was held among the elderly. reports that the competition took place at the Social Service Institution for the elderly of the Social Services Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

Representatives of the ministry played with the elderly in the competition organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. 30 residents of the social service institution participated in the competition held within the Sports Week.

The main goal of the event is to encourage elderly people to age actively and usefully, to play an active role in society, as well as to organize their free time efficiently, to make the elderly feel that they are always being taken care of.

Banuchichek Huseynli
