The new head coach: "Ataman Guneyligil did not know the team well"

27 December 2023 12:02
The new head coach: "Ataman Guneyligil did not know the team well"

"We thank Ataman Guneyligil for serving in our team." reports that this was said by Faig Garayev, the new head coach of Azerbaijan's women's volleyball team.

The experienced specialist said at the presentation ceremony that after the end of the European Championship, the Turkish coach of our team called Ataman Guneyligil to congratulate him: "I think he didn't know the team well. We have to work so that there are no flaws in our team. We raised the girls in the team. There may be some misunderstanding inside. Pre-race excitement builds. The coach must keep the excitement stable and lead the team to the competitions in a normal condition."

Commenting on the closure of the clubs, Garayev said that 10-11 teams have moved to the memory of history so far: "If so many teams had not been closed, there would have been a large number of volleyball clubs in Azerbaijan. Every club must have financial stability. 80-90 percent "burden" of the clubs is on the federation. Currently, 11-12 of our volleyball players are playing abroad. We have to get them back. "Khari Byul Byul Shusha" and "Khari Byul Byul Lachin" teams are also important for us. We don't want anyone to be out of business. Increasing the number of cubes is our main goal."

Banuchichek Huseynli