Spain head coach: “Interest toward the President Cup is increasing every year" – INTERVIEW

2 May 2024 17:11
Spain head coach: “Interest toward the President Cup is increasing every year" – INTERVIEW

The interview of Albert Corominas, head coach of the Spanish canoeing and rowing team, to İ

- You won two bronze medals on the first day of the International President Cup Regatta. Are you satisfied with the results?

- We have prepared well for this competition. This is a great experience for us. Because in addition to increasing our experience in such competitions, it is useful for the development of athletes and obtaining a license in the future. I hope that we will return home with good results in the next competitions.

- This is the second year you have participated in this regatta.

- ⁠Yes. It is the second year that we are showing our strength in the competition held in Kur in Mingachevir. Since we left the first regatta we attended with very good impressions, we decided to come here for the second time. Currently, the competition is very exciting and important.

- What would you differentiate in the President Cup compared to last year?

- ⁠Actually, there is not much change in the general essence. This year, the number of participating countries is large. This shows that the interest in the competition is increasing every year.

- ⁠Some rowers said that on the first day, the roughness of the water affected the results due to the weather conditions. What do you think?

- I don't think so. I don't see any difference between the previous day and today in terms of weather conditions in terms of the water being choppy. The only change is the locations. Yesterday, the competition was held in Sugovushan, and today in Mingachevir.

- How many medals do you expect from your team in the end?

- Two of the athletes have already won medals. This is a great success for us. But we will not be satisfied with this. Can't stop. We expect good results from all our young athletes. The race will continue tomorrow. Currently, our rowers are fighting in Kur. I believe that they will not mislead me and the number of medals will increase.

Banuchichek Huseynli
