The number of medals won by the Azerbaijani Paralympians during the year has been announced – PHOTO

29 December 2023 13:43
The number of medals won by the Azerbaijani Paralympians during the year has been announced – PHOTO

The National Paralympic Committee held a meeting with the Paralympians regarding the results of 2023 at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports. reports that at the meeting, President of the National Paralympic Committee Hidayat Abdullayev, Vice-Presidents Ilham Zakiyev and Fuad Hajiyev, member of the Committee's Management Board Jala Ahmadova, presented their expectations and plans for the end of the year and the upcoming new calendar year.

During the meeting, athletes were given detailed information about the activities of the National Paralympic Committee in 2023. At the same time, the action plan of the Committee, the financial reports of 2023 were presented, the budget project of the next year was also presented, as well as the work done in the field of international relations.

Talking about the successes achieved in the field of sports, it was brought to attention that our paralympians won 86 medals in international competitions, including 27 gold, 31 silver and 28 bronze medals. The preparation process for the Paris-2024 XVII Summer Paralympic Games and the meetings with the Organizing Committee of the games were discussed.

Also, a familiarization tour was held with the scientific-educational laboratory and Multimedia Center operating under the Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, and the available opportunities for paralympians were discussed.

At the end, a letter of thanks was presented to the head coaches who participated in the VII Children's Paralympic Sports Games.
