Training camp for coaches at National Gymnastics Arena - PHOTO - VIDEO

8 August 2024 15:58
Training camp for coaches at National Gymnastics Arena - PHOTO - VIDEO

The training camp for rhythmic gymnastics coaches from 35 regions of Azerbaijan continues. reports that 19 coaches participated in the meeting held at the National Gymnastics Arena.

The preparation process aims to increase the knowledge and skills of the coaches in the region.

According to Surkhay Garayev, regional manager of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, the main goal of the training process, which started on August 4, is to increase the knowledge and skills of the coaches operating in the regions: "It is important for us that the participating coaches from 35 regions apply what they have learned here in the institutions where they operate. In addition, gymnasts from several regions take part here. They practice what they learned here in international and local competitions."

Elnara Huseynova, the regional head coach of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, said that all coaches from the regions took part in the meeting: "In the training process, we mainly work on general physical fitness as warm-up exercises, dances, equipment and technique, etc. Such training is of special importance for our coaches. Necessary conditions have been created for our rhythmic gymnastics coaches from the regions at the National Gymnastics Arena."

According to Safura Gurbanova, rhythmic gymnastics coach of Zagatala Ojag Sport club and Sheki Olympic Sports Complex, all conditions have been created for comfortable training in the arena: "We both learn and apply our knowledge on our students. We had very interesting and dynamic exercises. Our gymnasts learned a lot during their time here."

The training camp will continue until August 9.

Banuchichek Huseynli
