Qarabag is negotiating with a Russian football player

1 April 2024 14:22
Qarabag is negotiating with a Russian football player

Qarabag has made its decision regarding the Russian goalkeeper Andrey Lunyov. reports that it was announced by the captain of the Aghdam club Maxim Medvedev.

He said that the club management wants to sign a new contract with the 32-year-old legionnaire: "Negotiations are underway. It is clear that they are interested in Andey's stay in Qarabag after such a season. He also has career goals. If Andrey and the club come to a common denominator, I will be glad that such a goalkeeper will continue to play in Azerbaijani team."

It should be noted that Lunyov has been playing for the Aghdam club since the summer of 2023.