Gara Garayev's response to Gianni de Biasi: "It was a pleasure to hear it from him"

24 November 2023 09:00
Gara Garayev's response to Gianni de Biasi: "It was a pleasure to hear it from him"

"What the former head coach of the national team said was probably the summation of complete information about himself. I regretted his irrational comment in the video, his attitude is inappropriate for a professional coach." reports that "Neftchi" football player Gara Garayev shared this on his social network account.

The experienced midfielder responded to what the former head coach of the national team, Gianni de Biasi, said.

He called the comments of the Italian specialist irrational: "In the video he presented, I am not there, logically there are 7-8 players and the rest are not in the frame. Does this mean that all the other players were not happy about the goal (victory) of the national team? I was very happy that he gave this interview. "It was a pleasure to hear from him that one day I was unjustifiably removed from the national team. I played in the national team for almost 10 years. There were times when I played well and badly, but I always wore the national uniform with dignity!"

It should be noted that AFFA did not renew the contract with Gianni de Biasi.