The situation of Vadim Vasilyev has been clarified: "He has 50-50 chance to survive"

13 February 2024 11:32
The situation of Vadim Vasilyev has been clarified: "He has 50-50 chance to survive"

The situation of the former football player of the Azerbaijan national team, Vadim Vasilyev, has been clarified.

According to the information provided by the football player's wife to, the veteran striker who suffered a stroke is still in intensive care.

According to him, Vasilyev's condition is now stable and serious: "We saw him yesterday. Vadim recognized us, he was conscious. Doctors say that there is a dynamic for the better. However, one part of his body - his left hand and leg - does not work. He has a 50-50 chance of survival. We need time for everything."

It should be noted that Vadim Vasilyev, who suffered a stroke the other day, was admitted to the hospital.

Banuchichek Huseynli