Hasrat Jafarov's secrets: running to the mat, starting with the right foot, choosing a medal... - INTERVIEW - PHOTO

28 November 2023 16:30
Hasrat Jafarov's secrets: running to the mat, starting with the right foot, choosing a medal... - INTERVIEW - PHOTO

Azerbaijani Greco-Roman wrestler Hasrat Jafarov's interview to Idman.biz website

- You always start to the fight in your own way. What's the secret in running to the mat?

- In 2021, when I was fighting with an Armenian wrestler in the world championship, I went to a match in this way for the first time. From then until now, I have been going to the mat in the same way.

- Most of the famous athletes in the world appear on the carpet or on the field in a different way. Some prefer the left, some prefer the right foot. Do you have such a belief?

- I go to the mat with my right foot. Of course, this is a belief. I believe that this brings good luck and I do so.

- Which continent's wrestler is more challenging for you?

- Russian and Georgian wrestlers are often strong. But there are weight classes where the athletes of that continent are not strong. That's why I wouldn't do a continental election here. Strong wrestlers exist in many countries.

- We did not ask this question without reason. In the final of the last World Championship, where you won a silver medal, it was as if the Cuban opponent was in better physical form...

- I came in second place in the World Championship held in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. My opponent, the Cuban athlete, was physically strong. I made a number of mistakes. I raised it on the parterre, but I couldn't do the trick. Of course, I have to learn from my mistakes and look forward.

- In some battles, it feels as if you are tired. Will it not be difficult to eliminate this problem by the Paris-2024 Summer Olympic Games?

- The recently organized World Championships are difficult. Because the number of athletes is a majority and there is intense competition. Participating athletes come in highly prepared form. I was tired in the final stage of the last world championship. But in the end, experience spoke for itself. I will try to overcome this fatigue until the Paris-2024 Summer Olympic Games.

- What is your certainity about coming back when you start losing?

- I would associate this with my character. Because when I start falling behind, it is impossible to get ahead by focusing. Even so, it is necessary to show character only by tiring the opponent.

- If you had to choose between being the European Champion and the world second place, which one would you choose?

- I wouldn't choose. Both are valuable to me. It is true that I secured the Olympic license by reaching the finals in the World Cup. But the European Championship is different. Being the world runner-up does not replace the European champion title.

- When you think of the most memorable match or score in your career, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

- In 2023, I was also behind in the score of the European Championship in Belgrade. But in the last 1 minute and 20 seconds of the match, I went ahead and won. It was very memorable for me.

- In Paris-2024, a new page will open in your career, you will make your debut at the Olympics. Are you already preparing yourself psychologically for the biggest competition of 4 years from now?

- After obtaining the license, our preparations continue. I don't like to talk before the race. But I will do my best to win.

- Bayram Bayramov, Vagif Feyzullayev, or Hasan Aliyev? How would you interpret these names?

- I was born in Garadagli village of Goranboy district. I started wrestling there under the leadership of Bayram Bayramov. Vagif Feyzullayev has been my personal trainer since the seventh grade and we continued our preparations with him. After joining the national team, we already worked with Hasan Aliyev. In general, these three people are very dear to me. Each of them had great sufferings on me.

- How can you descripe your future with referring to such great success at only 21 years old?

- Although I have achieved great achievements, they do not make me comfortable. Because my goals are very big. I want to be an Olympic Champion. Good results can never distract me from my struggle. Regardless of the outcome, we will be better prepared.

- What should be done correctly so that our teenagers and young wrestlers can quickly rise to the big age groups like you?

- First of all, our teenagers should pay attention to their food and sleep regimes. Then they have to train hard and work hard on themselves so that they can climb to the top.

Banuchichek Huseynli