The work of ANADA serves as a template for national Olympic committees

12 February 2024 12:54
The work of ANADA serves as a template for national Olympic committees

Prior to the Summer Olympics in Paris in 2024, the International Testing Agency (ITA) released clean sport standards for national Olympic bodies.

The standards were created with assistance from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee, according to

In the manual, ITA took advantage of the experience of 6 countries and 1 regional organization. Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency (ANADA) was among those organizations.

In the manual, the activities of ANADA's Education Department were given ample space. Thus, the organization of ANADA's educational programs in accordance with WADA's requirements, the implementation of the correct education policy, and the full and correct communication of the harms of doping to the sports community were shown as an example to the national Olympic committees.

Also, in the manual, videos made from ANADA's educational programs are also presented in visual form.

It should be noted that in 2023 ANADA held 52 educational seminars, 17 webinars, 6 mass campaign events and 5 events within the framework of educational programs covering 3 thousand people.