Tahmina Taghi-zada: "Azerbaijan closely cooperates with International Anti-Doping Agencies"

21 February 2024 12:54
Tahmina Taghi-zada: "Azerbaijan closely cooperates with International Anti-Doping Agencies"

"The conference is held with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency and Azerbaijan State Academy of Physical Education and Sports."

Idman.biz reports that the executive director of the Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency, Tahmina Taghi-zada, said these words to journalists after the opening ceremony of the scientific-practical conference called "Towards the Olympic Championship: National and Global Perspectives in Clean Sports".

She said that the conference has started in Baku: "The conference will be organized today in the capital for athletes' support staff, and on the 23rd of the month in Guba for international athletes. It is very gratifying that Azerbaijan closely cooperates with International Anti-Doping Agencies. Representatives from Austria, Greece, Germany, England and other countries take part in the conference. There are also those who join online from countries such as China and the United States.

Banuchichek Huseynli