Konul Nurullayeva: "There is no candidate for Islamiad other than Riyadh for now" - INTERVIEW

5 December 2023 13:40
Konul Nurullayeva: "There is no candidate for Islamiad other than Riyadh for now" - INTERVIEW

Interview of Konul Nurullayeva, Chairman of the Inspection Committee of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF), Member of the Milli Majlis, on Idman.biz website.

- You participated in the II Saudi Games as the chairman of the Inspection Committee of the Islamic Solidarity Sports Federation (ISSF). How were the competitions?

- The Saudi Games is a national sports tournament where more than 6,000 athletes compete in more than 53 sports. The competition is held in order to achieve the goals set by the Kingdom within the "Vision 2030" program. The games were organized at a high level, every nuance was thought out to the smallest detail. The Games are of great importance for increasing the popularity of sports in Saudi Arabia and integrating the country into the world of sports.

- Riyadh has nominated to host the 6th Islamic Solidarity Games in 2025. Is there any other country that claims it?

- No, there is no other candidate yet. The only candidate for today is Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

- When will the decision on where the 6th Islamic Solidarity Games will be held be made official?

- There is some time for that. Because in order to assess the level of preparation of the candidate city for the 6th Islamic Solidarity Games, the members of the Inspection Committee established by the ISSF are scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia in February-March next year. During this trip, the sports program there will be reviewed, we will visit sports facilities that were not reviewed during the first trip. After more detailed discussions regarding the level of readiness of the city of Riyadh, a final decision on hosting will be made during the next meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee of ISSF.

- And what decisions did you make at the 12th session of the General Assembly of the IHIF held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia?

- At the meeting, decisions were made to approve the proposed amendments to the IHIF Regulations. The General Assembly also sought the approval of the open selection for the 7th Islamic Solidarity Games 2029, instructing the General Secretariat to initiate the process in accordance with the ISSF Statute. The proposed new ISSF logo was approved subject to a final review at the next meeting. In addition, the Assembly agreed to recognize the strategic plans of the ISSF, while presenting the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2024, and tasked the General Secretariat to select an audit by the next meeting.

- You participate in a number of conferences within the framework of your visit. What were the main issues discussed?

- A number of important issues were discussed at the 12th meeting of the General Assembly of ISSF, held under the leadership of Abdulaziz Bin Turki Al-Faisal, and at the meeting of the Executive Committee. The future strategic plan of ISSF, budget issues, the presentation of the candidate city for the 6th Islamic Solidarity Games, amendments to the Statute, the hosting process for the 7th Islamic Solidarity Games to be held in 2029, etc. such issues were touched upon. In the seminar organized by the General Assembly of ISSF, we exchanged ideas on the topics of "Organizational identity and strategic direction of ISSF", "Strategic focus areas of ISSF and design of interventions" and "Islamic Solidarity Games - Evolution Program". I gave a speech and expressed my position on these issues to the National Olympic Committees, and emphasized how important their role is in the formation of a new strategy.

Banuchichek Huseynli