Value of the point at BayArena

14 March 2024 12:20
Value of the point at BayArena

The result of the Bayer - Qarabag match, which will be held within the second leg of the Europa League R16, may affect the UEFA rating of Azerbaijan. reports that for this, Gurban Gurbanov's students should not lose in Germany.

Any ranking points won in BayArena in Leverkusen will result in the advancement of our country. Our representative should not stop fighting for 120 minutes.
Currently, Azerbaijan is 27th in Europe with 20,125 points. Azerbaijan is only 0.250 points behind the 26th ranked Bulgaria.

A draw in Germany will bring 0.250 points to our account, and a win will bring 0.500 points. Even if there is a tie, Azerbaijan will reach Bulgaria.

Then an additional indicator - the results of the current season will be taken as a basis. Having won 5,875 points this season, Azerbaijan surpasses Bulgaria by 1,500 points. Moreover, the owner of the 26th row has no representative left. This means that even a draw will result in Azerbaijan rising to 26th place.

Note that Romania, which is 25th, has 21,375 points. In order to pass them, it is necessary to call them to the quarter-finals and win a successful result there.
