Rezabala: "Regardless of the opponent, all games are always complicated"

1 March 2024 09:48
Rezabala: "Regardless of the opponent, all games are always complicated"

The new transfer of Sumgayit Jordan Rezabala gave an interview to the press service of the club. presents that interview.

- First of all, we congratulate you on your birthday. How does it feel to celebrate a birthday away from your family? Do you miss your beloved ones?
- Thank you for the congratulations. Of course, it is very difficult to celebrate special days away from loved ones. But for now, the situation is like that and we have to accept it. In the future, we will have a lot of time to celebrate our special days together.

- You joined the Sumgayit club a few days ago. You went to training with the team. What are your first impressions?
- We have a extremely good team. First impressions are very positive. I feel better ans more confident day by day, and that's good for me.

- What are the differences between the training processes in Azerbaijan and Ecuador? Do you have difficulties understanding something during the exercise? Because, it should be taken into account that there is also a language barrier.
- There is not much difference, there is a little change, but you always have to adapt to where you go. This is football and you have to play well to solve even the biggest problems. If you perform well, all barriers will be removed and you will be successful.

- In general, how is the process of adaptation to the team going? Our players are very friendly. They easily accept new players. How was this process for you?
- I really feel very comfortable here. I am slowly getting to know my new colleagues, they are really good people. The most important thing is to create a good team and family in the professional aspect. We will able to do it.

- How do you spend your free time after training? Have you had a chance to walk around the city?
- I have had little time to get to know the city, but I have been to some places and I think it is very beautiful. There will be time to see more places later.

- Do you have any problems with food? Do you like our cuisine?
- The food here is very tasty, I like it very much.

- There is a game with Kapaz ahead. Do you think that you can defeated this oppenent?
- Regardless of the opponent, all games are always complicated. We must focus on what we do and do our work professionally.

- In the end, what would you like to say to the fans?
- According to what I heard, Sumgayit has a very enthusiastic group of fans. It's always good to have people in the stadium to cheer us on. I am sure that each of the players will do their best on the field to represent the team. And we - both fans and players - must be united to achieve our goals.
