The national team's head coach is hoping for a gold medal - PHOTO

6 February 2024 12:22
The national team's head coach is hoping for a gold medal - PHOTO

The national badminton team of Azerbaijan performed an open practice before to "Azerbaijan International 2024". reports that during the training session held at the Baku Sports Palace, the team's head coach Morteza Validarvin announced the team's latest situation.

He said that for the first time in Azerbaijan, young athletes will also participate in this competition: "Out of 20 athletes representing our country in the tournament, 13 are young. We started training on January 4. We work on technical and physical exercises. We do a lot of things to strengthen the level of preparation of both male and female athletes. We train twice a day, 6 days a week. Our athletes are working with all their might to get high results in this and other upcoming competitions."

According to him, 50 countries will be represented by more than 240 athletes at the "Azerbaijan International-2024" tournament. We are doing a lot of work in this direction. I hope that the athletes will achieve good results in the competition on February 8. We hope that Edi Reski Dvichayo and Keisha Fatima Zahra will win this tournament."

It should be noted that "Azerbaijan International 2024" qualifying for the Paris-2024 Summer Olympic Games will be held on February 8-11 at the Baku Sports Palace.

Banuchichek Huseynli