Miloš Antonić: " I'm really surprised, Baku is phenomenal " – INTERVIEW

13 February 2024 11:17
Miloš Antonić: " I'm really surprised, Baku is phenomenal " – INTERVIEW

Interview with Azerrail’s Serbian volleyball player Milos Antonic by

- You joined Azerrail two weeks ago. How was the process?

- To be honest, everything happened so quickly. I got a call from the manager. Would I go to Azerbaijan? My first answer was. No, because I had a valid contract with the team, so to speak, for the next year, however, as the conversation progressed within three or four days we found a solution so I agreed to come.

- How did you welcome the arrival of your teammates?

- The players, as well as the coaching staff and management of the club are professionals. Everyone is working as hard as possible, so so far I am very pleasantly surprised.

- Did you know about Azerrail beforehand?

- In general, I was not at all familiar with Azerbaijani volleyball, so I had no vision at all of what the club looks like, so at the invitation of the manager, I inquired a little and I received some negative comments because two clubs were shut down. However, later in the conversation with the coach of the club and with the manager I decided to come to Azerrail.

- What role did he play in agreeing to the contract after the hesitations?

- I made sure that the team is serious and extremely professional and the biggest reason is that we have the quality to win the title so that inspires me to push myself and I had a great motivation to come like now to let's win the title and make history

- Won't joining the team in the middle of the season create difficulties in terms of getting into the squad?

- You know how it can be and the risk of changing the technician, my position in volleyball is very demanding and it depends a lot on how the team will play, so I think it will definitely take us some time to reach our highest level, so I hope that these games will be a good preparation for what awaits us, first of all the semi-finals and then the finals.

- What can you say in terms of adaptation?

- I am gradually getting used to the team, so I agree. But again, I think we still need a lot of time to improve.

- Azerrail leads the tournament table. Do you think you can keep the lead?

- Well, for sure it will be difficult to maintain the first place, all the teams will play against us as much as possible, so it is a big challenge for us and we will give our best in order to finish the regular part of the championship in the first position and thus have an easier way to the finals.

- Then your main goal in Azerrail is only the championship?

- Definitely to win the title...

- Did you have a chance to visit Baku?

- No, I didn't have the chance to visit Baku until now, but what I saw in two weeks, I'm really surprised, the city is phenomenal.

Banuchichek Huseynli