Latest situation of Vadim Vasilyev: "My left hand still does not work"

27 March 2024 11:20
Latest situation of Vadim Vasilyev: "My left hand still does not work"

There is progress in the health of Vadim Vasilyev, the former football player of the Azerbaijan national team.

The 52-year-old veteran striker gave an interview to

He said that now he feels normal: "Everything continues in the same order. The other day I went to the doctor's examination. They said that everything about my health is going well. They hope I will be fully recovered within 6 months. I am also waiting and I really believe that I will make a full recovery. But my left hand still doesn't work. I can move more easily now than before."

It should be noted that Vadim Vasilyev, who suffered a stroke in early February, is currently receiving treatment at home.

Banuchichek Huseynli