Azerbaijan club signs players from 6 countries

7 June 2024 15:22
Azerbaijan club signs players from 6 countries

National Aviation Academy consisting of female volleyball players is active in the transfer market before the new season. reports that the club has already decided on the transfer of a number of players from different countries.

The team's offensive line is particularly noteworthy. Telebeler have added Montenegrin Danijela Dzakovic, who previously played for Italian Balducci, and Australian Silvia Museli, who wore the uniform of "Phoenix" in her homeland.

The transition of Petra Indrova from the Czech Republic, who came from the US student club Bowling Green and Valery Parshina from Ukraine, whose last team was the Italian Nigitor Santo Stefano, is also noteworthy.

National Aviation Academy also transferred Belarusian Nataliya Goncharova from Zhemchujina Polesia and Finnish libero Rita Timone from Hamenlin.

So far, the team has been strengthened with two local players. Striker Leyla Parshkova came from Ganja, ball distributor Mariana Abuyeva came from UNEC.

It should be noted that National Aviation Academy finished the last season in 5th place.

Nijat Zakiyev