The date of Tofig Musayev's fight in Bellator has been confirmed - INTERVIEW

11 January 2024 14:56
The date of Tofig Musayev's fight in Bellator has been confirmed - INTERVIEW

MA fighter Tofig Musayev's interview with

- 2 days ago, a new MMA hall was put into use. How do you rate this in terms of the development of mixed martial arts?

- ⁠The hall will function as the center of the MMA and Grappling Federation's collegiate teams among professionals. Preparations will be held under the leadership of Azad Askerov and head coach Ruslan Efendiyev and Chingiz Eyvazov.

- Only well-known athletes will be trained here, or will the younger generation be able to benefit?

- Under the auspices of the Federation, the fighters participating in various competitions will prepare for the competitions here. But we have also created an amateur team in the hall for the development of the young generation.

- What is this team based on?

- Teenagers and young people will be involved again. Of course, in social networks, as well as in various meetings, they talk about a healthy lifestyle, love for the motherland, etc. we will try to increase their interest in this sport by instilling other factors in them.

- You signed a contract with Bellator. What's new there, and is the time of his next fight confirmed?

- I have the last fight left in Bellator, it will be in March. All future plans will be decided after that encounter.

Banuchichek Huseynli