Azerbaijani referee assigned to the Spain-Turkiye match

13 March 2024 17:05
Azerbaijani referee assigned to the Spain-Turkiye match

UEFA appointed Azerbaijani judge Sevda Nuriyeva. reports that this was announced by the press service of AFFA.

The international level referee will arbitrate in the qualifying round of the European Championship among U-17 women's football players. She will perform the function of assistant referee in the matches of the 5th group of the A league to be held in the Netherlands within the framework of the II round.

March 14
Spain - Turkiye

Referee: Joanna Vassallo (Malta)
Referee Assistants: Sevda Nuriyeva, Van Gilst (Netherlands)
Fourth Referee: Sterre Bijlsma (Netherlands)

March 17
Netherlands - Turkiye
Referee: Nanna Løf Andersen (Denmark)
Referee Assistants: Anna Schmidt (Denmark), Sevda Nuriyeva
Fourth judge: Joanna Vassallo (Malta)

March 20
Turkiye - Ukraine

Head referee: Joanna Vassalo (Malta)
Head referee assistants: Sevda Nuriyeva, Van Gilst (Netherlands)
Fourth referee: Sterre Bijlsma (Netherlands)
