World champion: “Every time I visit, I see a beautiful and developing city”

26 August 2023 16:12
World champion: “Every time I visit, I see a beautiful and developing city”

"Every time I visit, I see a beautiful and developing city."

İ reports that this was said by Hungarian István Péni, who won the men’s 300-meter rifle shooting category at the World Championship held in Baku.

The 26-year-old athlete expressed good thoughts about the capital of Azerbaijan and the Baku Shooting Center: "I came to Baku for the first time in 2015. The only thing which is unusual for us is the constant windy weather. This is a natural process. Because Baku is a city of winds. But your capital and this center are very beautiful. Baku changes every time. It is also necessary to touch on the activities of the Azerbaijan Shooting Federation. Great things are being done here. Thanks to the created center, steps are being taken in the direction of the development of this sport. The organization of such competitions proves it."

After the awarding ceremony, he also shared his impressions about the competition: "300 meters rifle shooting is a very difficult type. Unlike normal competitions, our rifle is heavier. Compared to other types, it creates a little difficulty. But the size of the target is large. I am happy that I won. I won a silver medal at the 2018 world championship, and a bronze medal at the world championship held in Egypt last year. Finally, I won the gold medal in Baku. I already have a set of medals in my collection."

Despite the fact that it is not an Olympic type, the Hungarian shooter also explained the reason for choosing this category: "I have also participated in 10, 25 and 50 meter shooting types. Why do I love 300 meters? In general, shooting is my life. Holding the weapon, handling it, the smell of gunpowder, the falling of the cartridge… All this is a stimulus and fun for me."

It should be noted that István Péni became the world champion by scoring 587 points.